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Exam Access Arrangements

(at school and college)

Access arrangements are those arrangements put in place for tests and mock exams, for GCSEs and beyond, but it is highly regulated and the correct procedures need to be followed by your child's school. 


Students with a specific learning difficulty may need access arrangements to enable them to demonstrate what they know and can do in tests and exams. Access arrangements should ensure potential barriers are removed to ensure the student can tap into their true ability, regardless of their disability.  


Access Arrangements can include 25% extra time, use of a computer, a reader (human or pen) a scribe etc. These can be undertaken from the beginning of year 9 but ideally are implemented throughout the child's time at school, where possible. The sooner an arrangement becomes a student's usual way of working, the better.


Access Arrangements paperwork must be completed by a qualified assessor within your child's school. Sometimes this is a qualified person with a good working relationship with the school.

This can work in one of two ways:

  1. The person appointed to complete Access Arrangements within the school (usually the SENCO) can provide a completed Section A of the JCQ Form 8 to me giving an overview of the history of the student need. I can then carry out testing of the student and complete the rest of the Form 8, if the student meets the threshold of requiring access arrangements. I will then sign this and provide a copy of my qualified assessor certificate.

  2. The report generated by an assessment of a child or student can be forwarded onto the child's school, and they can use the report and the identified issues and weaknesses (and most importantly the recommendations I make) to ensure the student is prioritised for testing by their own qualified assessor. They complete all of the Form 8 themselves using their own assessments.

I am happy to establish a relationship with your child's SENCO/teacher to ensure they get the arrangements they need, regardless of their age. 


Exam Access: Welcome
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